Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society
16600 Stephens, Eastpointe, MI 48021
What does membership get you?
You get an official membership card, copies of our monthly newsletter, and most importantly the pride of knowing you are helping keep the story of “Democracy’s Arsenal” alive for generations to come.
Members get first hand news on upcoming events and the chance to participate in many behind the scenes exclusives.
Opportunities exist to build displays, collect and conserve artifacts, meet and interview veterans and much, much more as we continue to grow.
Have a history nut on your gift shopping list? Remember memberships make great gifts!
We are a Michigan State non-profit and an IRS 501(c)3 organization, membership fees are normally tax deductible, consult your tax preparer.
Membership Application (Please print clearly)
City_______________________________________ State___________ Zip____________________
Country ________________ Phone ____________________________________________________
Recruited by_______________________________________________________________________
Membership Options
_____ 1 Year Membership $35
_____ 2 Year Membership $60
______ Life Membership $750
______ Add $5 per year if you want the newsletter delivered by traditional mail carrier
Please send personal check or money order to
Military Technical & Historical Society
PO Box 0137, Eastpointe, MI 48021-0137
Please make checks payable to MIMTHS
Visit mimths.org for more information
* Family memberships are for spouses and dependant children under the age of 16 only.
MTHS is 501(c) (3) organization, your membership dues may be tax deductible, consult your tax preparer.
Your name, address and phone number will only be shared with other museum members for use in conducting museum business. No personal information will be shared with outside sources.